
A Comprehensive Guide to Cough Tablets for Dogs – Antitussive & Expectorants

Cough Tablets for Dogs

Coughing is a common issue for dogs. Cough tablets for dogs can provide relief and help alleviate the symptoms of a persistent cough. Suppose your furry friend suffers from a persistent cough. In that case, it’s essential to understand the different types of cough medication available for dogs.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of cough tablets for dogs, how they work, and the best options available in the market. Please keep reading to learn more about how these tablets can help your beloved pet find relief and improve their overall quality of life.

Why Do Dogs Cough?

Coughing in dogs is a widespread occurrence and may have various causes. Your canine friend may cough for several reasons, including respiratory infections, allergies, heartworm disease, kennel cough, or even something as simple as tracheal irritation. It is essential to identify the underlying cause of the cough to treat it and prevent any potential complications effectively.

Respiratory infections, such as bronchitis or pneumonia, can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Allergies, on the other hand, may cause coughing due to the irritation of the respiratory system by environmental or food allergens.

Kennel cough is a highly contagious respiratory condition that can cause a persistent, harsh cough. It is commonly contracted in places such as boarding kennels or dog parks where dogs come into close contact with each other. Additionally, a dog may cough due to tracheal irritation caused by dust, smoke, or even pulling too hard on a leash.

What are Different Cough Tablets for Dogs?

Cough tablets for dogs are formulated specifically to relieve coughing, and they come in different types and formulations to target other causes of coughing in dogs.

Expectorant Tablets

One common type of cough tablet for dogs is the expectorant tablet. These tablets work by thinning and loosening mucus in the respiratory tract, making it easier for dogs to cough and expel it. Expectorant tablets often treat productive coughs, with visible mucus coming out during coughing.


Guaifenesin (glyceryl guaiacolate) is a commonly used cough expectorant for dogs. It works by thinning and loosening mucus in the airways, making it easier for dogs to cough up and eliminate.

Coughing is a natural reflex that helps clear the airways and protect the lungs from irritants. However, excessive or persistent coughing can indicate underlying respiratory conditions such as bronchitis or kennel cough.

Guaifenesin can help alleviate coughing symptoms in dogs and promote a more comfortable breathing experience.

Side effects
  • Decrease in body temperature
  • Irregular Breathing
  • Mild termers

Antitussive Tablets

Another type of cough tablet for dogs is the antitussive tablet. Antitussive pills suppress the cough reflex, relieving dry and unproductive coughs. These tablets are particularly useful for soothing and calming coughing fits in dogs.

Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide

Dextromethorphan is an effective cough antitussive for dogs. It works by suppressing the cough reflex in the brain, relieving persistent coughing. These tablets also dislodge and lose the mucous when used with Guaifenesin.

Side Effects
  • Mild sedation
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness

When choosing cough tablets for your dog, it is essential to consult with your veterinarian first. They can help determine the underlying cause of your dog’s cough and recommend the most appropriate treatment option.

It is also essential to follow the dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or your veterinarian to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the cough tablets.

Cough Tablets for Dogs

How many cough tablets can I give my dog?

The prescribed dose rate of cough tablets for dogs varies depending on size. It is typically advised for small dogs to be given half a tablet every four hours.

However, the recommended dose for larger dogs is one tablet every four hours. It is essential to follow these guidelines to ensure the safety and efficacy of the cough tablets.

What are the Benefits of Cough Tablets for Dogs?

  • Cough tablets can help alleviate the discomfort and irritation caused by persistent coughing, allowing the dog to breathe easier and experience relief.
  • These tablets often contain ingredients that help suppress excessive coughing, reducing the frequency and intensity of coughing episodes. It can prevent further complications such as throat inflammation or developing secondary infections.
  • Cough tablets can aid in healing by promoting mucus clearance and soothing the throat, helping recovery from respiratory infections or allergies.

How to administer Cough tablets in Dogs?

You can crush and mix the cough tablets into your dog’s food. You can also give directly by placing the pill at the back of their throat and gently massaging it to encourage swallowing.

It’s essential to monitor your dog during and after administration to ensure they consume the total dosage and to observe for any adverse reactions.

Where can you find cough tablets for dogs?

One convenient option is to search for them online, where numerous websites specialize in pet supplies and medications. Additionally, you can visit your local pet shop, which usually stocks various pet medicines, including cough tablets.

The knowledgeable staff can assist you in finding the right product for your dog’s needs. You can also consult your local veterinarian, who can prescribe and provide cough tablets, if necessary, based on a thorough examination of your dog.


In conclusion, cough tablets can be an effective solution for treating coughing in dogs. However, it is essential to consult a veterinarian before administering any medication to ensure the proper dosage and rule out any underlying health conditions.

Moreover, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and monitor the dog’s response to the medication.

YouTube: How to stop coughing in dog


Which Medicines are included in Cough Tablets for Dogs?

Most cough tablet preparations include Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin.

Do cough tablets work for dogs?

Yes, cough tablets work for dogs if administered according to the prescribed dose and instructions of the veterinarian.

What are the side effects of cough tablets for dogs?

The most common side effects of cough tablets for dogs are dizziness, mild sedation, decreased body temperature, and nausea. Generally, side effects are rare if you use the proper dose for your furry friends. Overdose will lead to side effects.

Is any human cough medicine safe for dogs?

You should never give over-the-counter human medicine in your Fido as human cough medicine contains xylitol. This sweetener is highly dangerous for your furry friend. Moreover, human cough medicine includes acetaminophen, which is toxic to dogs.

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