How To Keep Dog Bed From Smelling – 8 Steps Guide

How to keep dog bed from smelling

Is your furry friend’s bed emitting an unpleasant odor that can make even the bravest nose turn away? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many pet owners struggle to keep their dog’s bed smelling fresh and clean. 

Maintain a fresh dog bed by regularly washing it with mild detergent and using odor-eliminating sprays. Vacuuming, baking soda, and sun exposure also help keep your furry friend’s resting place smelling clean and pleasant.

But fret not, because we’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide on how to keep your dog’s bed from smelling. From identifying the causes of those bad odors to implementing effective strategies for deodorizing, we’ll help you create a pleasant sleeping environment for your beloved canine companion.

Causes Of Bad Odours In A Dog Bed

We all adore our furry companions, but let’s admit it – sometimes their beds can take on less-than-pleasant odors. Understanding the root causes behind these unwelcome scents is the initial step in maintaining a clean and fresh-smelling resting spot for your dog.

Moisture: A Breeding Ground for Odors Moisture is a prime suspect in the odor mystery. Dogs perspire through their paws, leaving moisture on their bedding. This dampness becomes a thriving environment for bacteria and mildew, resulting in those less-than-pleasant smells.

Natural Oils And Dirt Buildup: Your dog’s natural body oils are another culprit. These oils can transfer onto the bed fabric, particularly if your pup enjoys playful rolling or sleeps with dirty paws. The combination of oil accumulation and dirt particles can contribute to the development of unpleasant odors.

Accidents Happen: Accidents are inevitable – be it drool, urine, or other bodily fluids. These stains can penetrate fabric fibers and emit strong odors if not promptly and properly cleaned.

Maintaining Hygiene is Key Maintaining proper hygiene plays a crucial role in preventing odors from taking over your dog’s bed. 

How To Keep Dog Bed From Smelling – Step By Step Guide

Is your dog’s bed starting to emit an unpleasant odor? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide on how to keep your dog’s bed smelling fresh and clean.

Step 1: Frequent Washing 

Regular washing is the foundation of a fresh-smelling dog bed. Remove the bed cover and any removable parts, and toss them into the washing machine.

 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning. Use a pet-safe detergent and avoid strong fragrances that could irritate your pup’s sensitive nose.

Step 2: Pre-Treatment 

For tough odors and stains, pre-treat the affected areas before washing. Create a mixture of water and pet-safe enzymatic cleaner. Gently blot the stains with this mixture using a clean cloth. Allow it to sit for a few minutes to break down the odor-causing agents.

Step 3: Proper Drying 

After washing, ensure proper drying to prevent mold and mildew growth. If possible, let the bed cover and any removable parts air dry in the sun, as sunlight can help eliminate lingering odors. For non-removable parts, use a low-heat setting on your dryer.

Step 4: Vacuum And Shake 

Even if you can’t wash the entire bed, a quick vacuuming can help remove dirt, hair, and odors. Use a brush attachment to thoroughly clean all surfaces. If the bed is small enough, take it outdoors and give it a good shake to dislodge any trapped debris.

Step 5: Odor Absorbers 

Place odor-absorbing materials, such as baking soda or activated charcoal, on and around the dog bed. These natural substances can help absorb lingering smells. Leave them on for a few hours before vacuuming or shaking them off.

Step 6: Regular Grooming 

Keeping your dog clean directly impacts their bed’s freshness. Regular grooming helps reduce shedding and the transfer of natural oils to the bed fabric. Brush your dog’s fur to minimize loose hair and dander that could contribute to odors.

Step 7: Paw Cleaning 

Wipe your dog’s paws after walks to prevent dirt and moisture from being transferred to the bed. This simple step can significantly reduce the accumulation of odors over time.

Step 8: Rotation 

Consider having a spare bed cover. This allows you to rotate between the two while one is being cleaned. It’s an effective way to keep your pup comfortable while maintaining a fresh-smelling bed.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your dog’s bed remains a cozy and odor-free haven, promoting their comfort and well-being.

Additional Ideas To Keep Your Dog’s Bed Smelling Fresh

Additional Ideas to Keep Your Dog’s Bed Smelling Fresh are:

Regular Laundering: A straightforward approach to maintaining a pleasant scent in your dog’s bed is through regular washing. Adhere to the bed’s care guidelines, employing a gentle detergent. Opt for odorless or mild-scented detergents to avoid any discomfort for your furry companion.

Vacuum Action: Beyond washing, a thorough vacuuming can rid the bed of loose hair, dirt, and particles that contribute to unwanted odors. Employ a vacuum with ample suction and an upholstery attachment for optimal results.

Odor-Banishing Spritzers: Pet-friendly sprays formulated to combat pet bed odors can be effective tools. These sprays neutralize odor-causing bacteria rather than temporarily masking them.

Sun’s Deodorizing Touch: Sunlight, a natural disinfectant, performs a dual role as a deodorizer. Whenever feasible, expose your dog’s bed to direct sunlight for a few hours. This practice aids in eradicating bacteria and residual odors.

Keep in mind that every dog is distinct, necessitating some experimentation to pinpoint the most effective approach for maintaining their bed’s freshness.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dog Bed Odors

When it comes to keeping your dog’s bed smelling fresh, sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. Here are some home remedies that can help eliminate those stubborn odors.

  • Baking soda is a versatile and affordable option for deodorizing your dog’s bed. Simply sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda onto the bed, let it sit for about 15 minutes, and then vacuum it up. Baking soda works by neutralizing odors rather than just masking them.
  • Another natural remedy is vinegar. Mix equal parts of water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and lightly mist your dog’s bed. Vinegar has antimicrobial properties which can help kill any bacteria causing unpleasant smells.
  • Adding essential oils to your washing routine can also be beneficial in eliminating odors from your dog’s bed. Lavender or tea tree oil are popular choices as they not only leave a pleasant scent but also have antibacterial properties.
  • Sunlight is nature’s best odor remover! If possible, take advantage of sunny days by hanging your dog’s bedding outside to air out and naturally get rid of any lingering smells.

By using these simple yet effective home remedies, you can keep your dog’s bed smelling fresh without relying on harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances!

Tips For Preventing Future Odor Problems

One of the best ways to keep your dog’s bed from smelling is by taking proactive measures to prevent odor problems in the first place. Here are some tips to help you stay ahead of any potential stench:

  1. Make it a habit to clean your dog’s bed at least once a week, or more frequently if necessary. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for washing and drying, and use pet-safe detergents that can effectively remove odors.
  2. Opt for dog beds with removable covers that can be easily taken off and washed separately. This will not only make cleaning more convenient but also allow you to tackle any specific spots or stains on the cover without having to wash the entire bed.
  3. Just like with any other area of your home, regular vacuuming around your dog’s sleeping area can help remove dirt, hair, and allergens that contribute to unwanted smells.
  4. Regular grooming sessions for your furry friend are essential not just for their overall health but also for keeping their bedding fresh-smelling. Brushing their coat regularly and bathing them as needed will minimize shedding and reduce odor buildup on their bed.
  5. When purchasing a new bed for your pup, look out for options made from materials known for their resistance against odors, such as antimicrobial fabrics or those treated with odor-neutralizing technologies.

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can greatly reduce future odor problems in your dog’s bed and ensure they have a comfortable resting space that smells fresh all year round!


Keeping your dog’s bed smelling fresh is essential for both you and your furry friend. And there you have it – a comprehensive guide on how to keep your dog’s bed from smelling., you can eliminate unpleasant odors and create a clean and comfortable sleeping environment for your pup. By implementing these strategies and being proactive in preventing future odor problems, you’ll ensure that your dog’s bed remains a pleasant place for them to rest and relax. So go ahead, take action today to keep those stinky smells at bay!


Why does my dog make my bed smell?

Your dog’s natural body oils, sweat, and potential accidents on your bed can contribute to the buildup of odors over time. These factors, combined with dirt and debris, create an environment where bacteria and unpleasant smells thrive.

What absorbs dog smells in room?

If you’re looking to neutralize lingering dog odors in a room, consider using natural odor absorbers like baking soda or activated charcoal. These substances can help absorb and minimize pet smells by capturing airborne particles that contribute to the odors. 

How do I keep my house smell free with my dog?

To maintain a fresh-smelling home with your furry friend, ensure regular grooming and bathing for your dog, clean their bedding frequently, and implement proper ventilation by opening windows and using air purifiers

What smell do dogs hate to smell?

Dogs have a strong sense of smell and are particularly sensitive to certain scents that humans might find overwhelming. Common smells that many dogs dislike include citrus, vinegar, and strong spices like cinnamon or cayenne pepper. These scents can be used strategically to discourage certain behaviors or to create safe zones in your home.

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